Granado Espada M: A Classic MMORPG Reborn on Mobile!
Embark on a new adventure with Granado Espada M, a mobile continuation of the beloved 2006 PC classic! Experience the same thrilling gameplay, enhanced for mobile devices.
Faithful to the Original:
- Enjoy the original high-quality BGM, now optimized for mobile.
- Master the unique 3-character simultaneous control (3MCC) system.
- Utilize strategic stance actions and skills, just like in the original game.
- Build your own family by recruiting NPCs within the game world.
Enhanced for Mobile:
- Immerse yourself in the story with a fully voiced narrative.
- Enjoy a streamlined equipment system and improved UI/UX for easier navigation.
- Recruit collectible heroes through a new scout system.
- Collect adorable SD-style pets, including exclusive mobile companions.
- Engage in a mobile-exclusive trading system to buy and sell goods based on market prices.
App Permissions:
- Required: Storage access (for game installation and data saving). This permission is handled differently depending on your Android version (9 or lower, and 10 or higher).
- Optional: Notification access (for push notifications). You can still use the app without granting this permission.
You can manage app permissions in your device's settings. For Android 6.0 and above, you can revoke permissions individually. For older Android versions, you may need to uninstall the app to fully remove permissions.
Contact Information:
- Address: Room 1506, 15th floor, J Platz, 186 Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul
- Customer Support: 02-703-0743
- Business Registration Number: 118-81-19570
- Game Classification Number: CC-OM-231130-004
Visit the official Granado Espada M website and community for more information!
Tags : Role playing