Dive into the captivating world of Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost, a mobile RPG based on the beloved anime and manga. Collect and cultivate a team of iconic characters, each boasting unique abilities and compelling backstories. Engage in strategic turn-based combat, building your squad to overcome challenging foes. Explore original storylines and witness exciting character interactions, enriching the already immersive experience for fans.
Key Features:
- Officially Licensed: Experience the authentic Bungo Stray Dogs universe in this officially licensed mobile game.
- Innovative Marble Combat: Enjoy a refreshing take on RPG battles with the unique marble combat system. Master this mechanic for strategic advantage.
- Supernatural Abilities: Unleash devastating special attacks powered by the characters' supernatural gifts. Strategic deployment is key to victory.
Player Tips:
- Marble Mastery: Hone your aim and timing to effectively target and shatter enemy marbles while protecting your own.
- Strategic Special Attacks: Utilize each character's unique abilities wisely, exploiting enemy weaknesses to maximize your combat effectiveness.
Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost delivers a visually stunning and engaging mobile gaming experience. The innovative marble combat, diverse cast of characters with supernatural powers, and stunning artwork combine to create a truly captivating adventure. Download now and embark on your Bungo Stray Dogs journey!
Version 3.10.3 (June 6, 2024):
This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
Tags : Role playing