Embark on a thrilling puzzle-solving adventure in this free zombie survival game, "Escape Story Inside Game"! Play as a young boy trapped within a bizarre dream world, relentlessly pursued by hordes of the undead. Navigate a mysterious, dark city teeming with creepy creatures lurking around every corner.
This isn't your average puzzle game; it's a challenging test of wit and reflexes. Unravel the mystery behind the zombie pursuit and fight for survival! Run, jump, climb, and use your surroundings to your advantage. Escape realistic traps, avoid bright lights by staying in the shadows, and solve mind-bending puzzles to find the keys to freedom.
The dark, immersive atmosphere will keep you on the edge of your seat, but with clever problem-solving, victory is within reach. Escape this terrifying nightmare!
Game Features:
- Unique player and zombie character designs.
- Diverse obstacles including water, stones, boxes, and vehicles.
- Intuitive single-touch controls.
- Immersive audio design.
- Innovative level designs and stunning visuals.
Tags : Adventure