Embark on a captivating sci-fi journey with Distant Travels, a visual novel exploring the intriguing concept of quantum entanglement and its connection to emotions. Lost in the ominous Endless White, you face a pivotal life decision: a new job, promising a brighter future, or a potential return to past failures. Unravel the mysteries and confront your inner turmoil in this thought-provoking narrative.
Distant Travels offers:
A Sci-Fi Visual Novel Experience: Immerse yourself in a compelling sci-fi story centered around quantum entanglement and the fascinating question of whether emotions themselves can be entangled.
Memorable Characters: Interact with characters burdened by past traumas and recurring dreams, hinting at connections to your own life. Uncover their secrets and the interwoven narratives that bind them together.
The Menace of the Endless White: Navigate a world threatened by the encroaching Endless White, a force poised to consume everything. Your choices will determine your fate in this perilous landscape.
Career Crossroads: A new job offers the chance for a better life, but will it lead to success or echo past disappointments? Your decisions shape the outcome.
Breathtaking Artwork: Marvel at the stunning visuals crafted by talented artists, bringing the game's world to life with vibrant detail.
Support Independent Development: Contribute to the game's continued development through Ko-Fi donations, directly supporting the creation of more captivating artwork and experiences.
Distant Travels is a must-have for fans of sci-fi visual novels. Its engaging story, memorable characters, and the ever-present threat of the Endless White create a truly immersive experience. Download Distant Travels today and begin your unforgettable adventure!
Mots clés : Casual