Know-it-all Features:
Diverse Themes: Explore a wide variety of topics, ensuring there's something for everyone. From world records to medical trivia, the game offers endless possibilities.
Multiplayer Fun: Challenge your friends in head-to-head competition to determine the true "know-it-all."
Simple Connectivity: Easily connect with friends using a unique game code – getting started is quick and easy.
Fair Scoring: Points are awarded based on the accuracy of your guess compared to other players, creating a level playing field.
Fun Mode Bonus: Boost your score with "fun mode," offering bonus points for predicting the best and worst guesses, and even the final answer!
Exciting Endgame: The game concludes after a pre-selected number of rounds, crowning the victor as "Master" or "Highness" for the day.
Ready to Play?
Know-it-all is the perfect app for lively game nights. Its diverse themes, simple setup, and fair scoring system guarantee a fun and engaging experience. Download now and prove your expertise!
Tags : Puzzle