비즈니스 오피스 Foxit PDF Editor
Foxit PDF Editor

Foxit PDF Editor

비즈니스 오피스
  • 플랫폼:Android
  • 버전:2023.7.0.1216.0146
  • 크기:46.00M
  • 개발자:Foxit Software Inc.

Introducing Foxit PDF Editor, the ultimate PDF editing app for Android. With Foxit, you can easily view, annotate, and manage your PDF files on the go. It's reliable, lightweight, and lightning-fast, ensuring a seamless experience. Plus, it offers advanced features like exporting, editing, and protecting PDFs. Collaborate with full control, search for text, and navigate effortlessly with bookmark management. Share files easily, create and convert PDFs, edit documents, and work on PDF forms. Sign and protect your PDFs with handwritten signatures and password protection. Try Foxit PDF Editor now and enjoy a 7-day free trial of the advanced features!

Features of the App:

  • Reliable: Foxit PDF Editor is 100% compliant with your current PDF ecosystem, ensuring that your files are compatible and can be easily accessed and viewed.
  • Lightweight: Unlike other PDF editors, this app doesn't exhaust your device resources, allowing for smooth and efficient performance.
  • Fast: With no long waits to open PDFs, you can quickly access and view your files without any delays.
  • Secure: The app offers powerful file protection features, ensuring that your sensitive information is safeguarded against unauthorized access.
  • Collaborative: With full control of your content, you can easily collaborate with others by adding annotations and stamps to PDF files, making it easier to share and work on documents together.
  • Multi-Language Support: The app supports 12 languages, making it accessible to users from different regions and backgrounds.


Foxit PDF Editor is the perfect solution for all your PDF editing needs. With its reliable and lightweight design, you can easily view and manage PDF files on the go. The app's fast performance ensures that you can access your files quickly, while its powerful security features protect your sensitive information. Additionally, the collaborative features allow for easy sharing and editing of documents, making it a great tool for teamwork. With multi-language support, the app caters to a wide range of users. Don't miss out on the opportunity to try the advanced features with a 7-day free trial. Download Foxit PDF Editor now and experience the convenience and efficiency it offers.

태그 : 생산력

Foxit PDF Editor 스크린샷
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  • Foxit PDF Editor 스크린샷 1
리뷰 댓글 게시
Zephyrus Apr 07,2024

Foxit PDF Editor은 깔끔한 인터페이스와 직관적인 기능을 갖춘 견고한 PDF 편집기입니다. Adobe Acrobat만큼 기능이 풍부하지는 않지만 기본 편집 및 주석 작업을 위한 훌륭한 옵션입니다. 👍

Zephyr Oct 05,2023

Foxit PDF Editor은 생명의 은인입니다! 사용하기 쉽고 필요한 모든 기능을 갖추고 있으며 Adobe Acrobat보다 훨씬 저렴합니다. PDF를 쉽게 편집하고, 주석을 달고, 서명할 수 있습니다. 다른 사람들과 협력하기에도 좋습니다. 적극 추천합니다! 🤓👍