Livery BUSSID refers to the unique and interesting skins or designs that you can apply to vehicles within the Bus Simulator Indonesia game. These liveries act like uniforms and can represent different bus companies. Here's what you need to know about BUSSID liveries:
- You can change the livery by applying an image file through the Garage > Use > Palette (Painting Logo) section.
- You can create your own livery design using a template.
- To change the livery, you must first select a vehicle in the garage.
- Each type of vehicle in BUSSID has different livery templates, so make sure to download the livery that matches your bus type.
- Check the high-resolution option when applying the livery to ensure a clear result, or ensure you download HD quality liveries that are not blurry.
If you're comfortable with image editing, you can also create your own livery designs. However, you'll need a template in the form of a .png file for editing on Android, and a .psd file for editing on a computer using software like Photoshop.
Tags : Art & Design