The Na ovoce app connects you with nature's bounty, showcasing locations in cities and natural areas where you can freely pick fruits like cherries, apples, nuts, and herbs. Public administrations, legal entities, and individuals also contribute by sharing their unused fruit resources on our map. Before registering, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Gatherer's Code.
Basic Rules:
- We prioritize respecting property rights when picking fruits.
- We care for both the trees and the surrounding environment, including the animals that call it home.
- We share our discoveries with other users.
- We actively participate in the maintenance and planting of new fruit trees.
With thousands of volunteers, we've been creating a map of publicly accessible fruit trees for 5 years, allowing anyone to enjoy their bounty. We encourage people to see their surroundings with fresh eyes, to discover, appreciate, care for, and share.
Features of Na ovoce:
- Fruit Map: The app provides a map that pinpoints locations in cities and natural areas where users can freely pick fruits. This makes it easy to find and access fresh, organic fruits in your surroundings.
- Custom Search: Users can specify the type of trees, herbs, and shrubs they're looking for, and the app will guide them to those specific locations. This ensures you find exactly what you're interested in.
- Contribution: If you come across fruit trees not yet marked on the map, you can contribute by adding fruit markers, detailed information, and photos directly from the location. This allows users to actively participate in mapping unused natural resources and join the volunteers who have been mapping fruits for over 5 years.
- Ethical Code: The app includes icons indicating plants added by registered users. It also encourages public authorities, legal entities, and individuals to share their unused fruit resources on the map. Before registering, users are advised to read the Collector's Code, which emphasizes respecting ownership rights and caring for trees, surrounding nature, and animals.
- Basic Rules: The app provides a set of basic rules for fruit collection, including ensuring no violation of property rights, taking care of trees, the surrounding environment, and wildlife, sharing discoveries with other users, and participating in the maintenance and planting of new fruit trees. This establishes a responsible and sustainable approach to fruit picking.
- Initiatives and Events: The app is operated by a non-profit organization called "Na ovoce z.s." They aim to revive interest in fruit trees and orchards in both urban and natural areas. Through workshops, educational trips, and community fruit picking events, they educate people about the importance of appreciating and caring for their surroundings.
Experience the joy of picking fresh fruits from public and natural areas with the Na ovoce app. Find your favorite fruits with the custom search feature and contribute to the map by adding new fruit trees. Rest assured that the app promotes ethical and responsible fruit collection practices, ensuring respect for ownership rights and the preservation of nature. Join the thousands of volunteers who have been mapping fruits for years and become a part of the movement to bring forgotten fruit varieties back to our tables and gardens. Explore, enjoy, care, and share the beauty of nature with Na ovoce. Download now!
Tags : Travel