Home News Announcing Breakthrough: Tips for Acquiring Hexolite Quartz in Palworld

Announcing Breakthrough: Tips for Acquiring Hexolite Quartz in Palworld

by Patrick Feb 10,2025

Palworld's Feybreak Island: A Guide to Finding Hexolite Quartz

The Feybreak expansion in Palworld, released in January 2024, significantly expands the game's world and introduces a wealth of new resources. One such resource, Hexolite Quartz, is crucial for crafting advanced weapons and armor. This guide will help you locate this valuable mineral.

Hexolite Quartz Node in Palworld

Hexolite Quartz: Location and Collection

Unlike some hidden resources, Hexolite Quartz is relatively easy to find. Its distinctive holographic coloring makes it highly visible, even from a distance. These shimmering mineral nodes are frequently located in open areas, particularly:

  • Grasslands: Scan these expansive fields for the telltale glow of Hexolite Quartz.
  • Beach Areas: Explore the coastal regions; nodes are often nestled near the shoreline.

The nodes themselves are large and easily spotted, both day and night. They respawn over time, ensuring a continuous supply.

Necessary Tools and Equipment

To harvest Hexolite Quartz, you'll need a suitable pickaxe:

  • Pal Metal Pickaxe: The most efficient option.
  • Refined Metal Pickaxe: Also effective for mining.

Remember to repair your pickaxe before embarking on a mining expedition. Equipping strong Plasteel Armor is also recommended to protect against potential attacks from nearby Pals.

Hexolite Quartz on the Ground

Yield and Additional Sources

Each Hexolite Quartz node yields a substantial amount – up to 80 pieces. In addition to the nodes, you might also find individual pieces scattered on the ground, easily visible during exploration. Happy hunting!