Conquer the Fiery Quematrice in Monster Hunter Wilds
Facing the fearsome Quematrice in Monster Hunter Wilds? This guide provides strategies to defeat and even capture this fire-breathing beast.
Weaknesses and Resistances:
- Weakness: Water
- Resistances: None
- Immunities: Sonic Bomb
The Quematrice, a large chicken-like monster, primarily attacks with fire. While most weapons are effective, its area-of-effect attacks favor ranged weapons for less experienced hunters.
Dangerous Attacks to Avoid:
- Tail Slaw: A powerful downward tail slam. Sidestep or block to mitigate damage.
- Fire Attacks: These inflict direct damage, burn damage over time, and can ignite the ground. These attacks have subtle cues; watch for a head rear and roar before a forward fire blast, a full sweep after a head and tail raise, or a charging attack followed by a last-second fire turn. Maintain distance during charging attacks and retreat if it begins to wind up for a fire attack.
Capturing the Quematrice:
To capture the Quematrice, you'll need:
- Shock Trap
- Pitfall Trap
- Two Tranq Bombs (one is technically sufficient, but a backup is crucial)
Weaken the Quematrice until it limps, indicated by a limping animation or a disappearing skull icon on the minimap. Ideally, wait for it to move to a new area after limping. Place a trap, lure the Quematrice into it, and throw two Tranq Bombs for a successful capture. Remember, having a backup trap is always a good idea.