Portal Games Digital brings the popular board game, Imperial Miners, to Android! This digital card game challenges you to build the most efficient mine. The developer, known for other Android titles like Neuroshima Convoy, Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write, and Tides of Time, delivers another engaging experience.
Designed by Tim Armstrong (Arcana Rising, Orbis) and illustrated by Hanna Kuik (Batman: Everybody Lies, Dune: House Secrets), Imperial Miners places you in charge of an underground excavation. Strategically play cards to construct your subterranean empire, collecting Crystals and Carts to earn Victory Points.
The game's unique system activates card effects and triggers those stacked above, offering strategic depth. Six factions provide diverse combinations and powerful synergies. Ten rounds of play, each introducing a new Event, keep you on your toes. Three randomly selected Progress boards from a set of six add further strategic variety and replayability.
Worth a Look?
Imperial Miners offers clever engine-building mechanics within the digital adaptation of Portal Games' acclaimed board game. Priced at $4.99 on the Google Play Store, it's a worthwhile purchase for strategy game enthusiasts. Check it out today!
For more gaming news, see our other articles, including a look at the financial challenge game, "Bad Credit? No Problem!" and the desk job simulator.