Home News Minecraft Doors: Types, Crafting, Automation

Minecraft Doors: Types, Crafting, Automation

by Daniel Mar 29,2025

The cubic world of Minecraft offers players a vast array of opportunities for building and survival, with doors playing a crucial role. These essential elements serve not only as decorative features for your home but also as vital protection against enemies and hostile creatures. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of doors available in Minecraft, discuss their pros and cons, and provide detailed instructions on how to craft and use them effectively.

door in minecraftImage: istockphoto.site

Table of Contents

  • What types of doors are there in Minecraft?
    • Wooden Door
    • Iron Door
    • Automatic Door
    • Mechanical Automated Door

What types of doors are there in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, doors come in various types, each crafted from different materials. You can create a door from any type of wood, including birch, spruce, oak, or bamboo. Interestingly, the material used does not affect the door's durability or its ability to protect against mobs. Only zombies, Husk, or Vindicators can break wooden doors, while other enemies are kept at bay simply by keeping the door closed. To operate these doors, you'll need to right-click twice to open and close them.

Wooden Door

type doors in minecraftImage: gamever.io

The wooden door is the standard mechanical type and one of the first items players craft. To create one, approach a crafting table and arrange 6 wooden planks in two columns of three.

how to make a door in minecraftImage: 9minecraft.net

Iron Door

Crafting an iron door requires 6 iron ingots. At the crafting table, place the ingots in the same pattern as for the wooden door. Iron doors boast high fire resistance and durability, making them impervious to mob attacks, ensuring your home remains secure whether you're outside or sleeping inside.

how to make a door in minecraftImage: youtube.com

Iron door in minecraftImage: youtube.com

Unlike wooden doors, iron doors can only be opened using redstone mechanisms, such as a lever, which you can place at your home's entrance or exit.

Automatic Door

Automatic Door in minecraftImage: youtube.com

To automate the door-opening process, use pressure plates. When you step on this special block, the nearby door will open. However, be cautious as this mechanism also works for monsters, so it's not advisable to place these plates outside unless you're prepared for late-night battles.

Mechanical Automated Door

For those looking to add a touch of creativity, Minecraft allows the construction of mechanical automated doors. Crafting one requires:

  • 4 sticky pistons
  • 2 solid blocks of any material (concrete, wood, etc.)
  • 4 solid blocks for the door itself
  • Redstone dust and torches
  • 2 pressure plates

Mechanical Automated Door in minecraftImage: youtube.com

While these doors don't offer any functional advantages over iron doors, they allow for customization and can create a smooth, almost magical opening effect, enhancing the atmosphere and uniqueness of your home.

Doors in Minecraft are more than just decorative; they are a fundamental aspect of gameplay, offering protection against dangerous mobs while adding a personal touch to your home. Whether you opt for the simplicity of wooden doors, the durability of iron doors, or the creativity of mechanical doors, each type brings its own charm and utility to your Minecraft experience. Which type will you choose?