Home News MiSide: Achivements Guide

MiSide: Achivements Guide

by Layla Mar 06,2025

Unraveling the Mysteries of MiSide: A Complete Achievement Guide

MiSide, the chilling psychological horror game, offers a captivating, albeit short, journey through a twisted virtual world. With 26 achievements to unlock, players are encouraged to explore every corner of each chapter. Fortunately, no achievements are missable, thanks to the convenient chapter select feature. This guide details every achievement and provides strategies for unlocking each one.

Unlocking All MiSide Achievements

The table below outlines each achievement, its description, and the steps needed to unlock it.

Achievement Name Description How to Unlock
The Fly's Victory Croak-croak. In a safe area, achieve 25 points in the Fly mini-game without dying. Play the Fly mini-game in any safe area. Reach 25 points without losing a life.
Dead Juice Made from the juice shown in the ad. In "Together At Last," interact with the TV remote in the living room after speaking with Mita. Accept the drink she offers.
Delicious Love What flour tastes like. In "Together At Last," accept the sauce when eating in the kitchen.
Penguin Conundrum! Have a Snowball! Defeat Mita in both rounds of Penguin Piles. During the console gaming segment in "Things Get Weird," win both rounds of Penguin Piles (ties don't count).
Clabber Beaten and sour. During the console gaming segment in "Things Get Weird," win both rounds of Dairy Scandal.
Creak in the Dark So very dark... In "Things Get Weird," refuse to stay with Mita after searching the wardrobe.
Accelerate! Vroom-vroom! Win the Spacecar arcade game. In "Beyond the World," achieve first place in the Spacecar mini-game.
Going at Maximum Speed! Vroom! Collect all coins during the Spacecar mini-game. During the Spacecar mini-game, collect every coin.
Pat on the head! Hey, you're messing up my hair! Win the button-pressing mini-game. Win the button-pressing mini-game in "Beyond the World."
The Great Dance Left, right, center! Complete the dance sequence without missing a note. In "Beyond the World," successfully complete the dance mini-game in the living room without missing any steps.
O, Great Mita! Remember Us. Interact with the Shrine Computer to type a message. In "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles," find the hidden shrine with a computer near the second lever. Interact with the computer and type a message.
You Shall Not Pass! Repair the Fence. Follow Tiny Mita instead of boarding the funicular. In "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles," at the funicular railway, follow Tiny Mita when she runs away instead of entering the car.
Helluvah Win! I'm not here. Complete the Hetoor mini-game. Complete the Hetoor mini-game after exiting the car in "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles."
Without Dealing Damage? As accurate as can be. Complete Hetoor without taking damage. Complete the Hetoor mini-game without receiving any damage.
Carrot Don't Look at me! Find all seven glitchy carrots. In "Reading Books, Destroying Glitches," locate and interact with all seven glitchy carrots.
Found You! Ok, I'm looking right at you! Stare at Mita until she stares back. After fixing the third glitch in "Reading Books, Destroying Glitches," maintain eye contact with the Mita figure on the computer table until it reciprocates.
Some Achievement? And some description? Try to leave through the front door in "Old Versions." In "Old Versions," attempt to exit through the front door after the initial cutscene.
Phase 1 Logs Undiscovered error. Beat the Quadrangle mini-game in "Old Versions." After reaching the Core and unlocking the computer in "Old Versions," access Advanced Functions and complete the Quadrangle mini-game.
A Long Long Tail Apple, again? Score 25 points in the Snake mini-game. In "The Real World," after Mita attacks, play the Snake mini-game and achieve a score of 25 points.
Phase 2 Logs Error fixed. Beat the Quadrangle mini-game again in "Reboot." After returning to the Core Computer in "Reboot," replay and win the Quadrangle mini-game.
Caught Them All Now, who's next? Find all 9 Player Cartridges. Collect all nine Player Cartridges scattered throughout the game.
Hi, Mita They're all unique. Find all 12 Mita Character Cartridges. Collect all twelve Mita Character Cartridges.
Is This the End? Of course it's the end! Complete the main story. Finish the main storyline of MiSide.
Safe of Life Keep safe and sound. Open the basement safe in "Reboot." In "Reboot," open the basement safe using the code obtained after completing the game once. This unlocks an alternate ending.
Conditions Met Can I Stay with You? Meet specific conditions in "Things Get Weird." In "Things Get Weird," choose to stay with Mita. This requires meeting several specific conditions throughout the game (see detailed requirements in the original table).
Pro Gamer Checked just about everywhere. Collect all achievements. Unlock all other achievements in MiSide.

This comprehensive guide will help you conquer every challenge and achieve 100% completion in MiSide. Remember to pay close attention to detail and explore thoroughly!