Netflix's hit animated series, The Dragon Prince, gets a mobile ARPG adaptation: The Dragon Prince: Xadia, now available on Android! Experience the fantastical world of Xadia like never before.
Gameplay in The Dragon Prince: Xadia
Level up your favorite heroes – Callum, Rayla, and the newcomer, Zeph – enhancing their skills and equipping them with legendary items and skins. Adventure alongside loyal pets! The game expands on the series' lore, introducing new story elements and character developments beyond what you've seen in the show.
Explore diverse regions, from the fiery Border to the enigmatic Moonshadow Forest. Engage in thrilling battles against Blood Moon cultists and sky pirates.
Team up with friends in co-op mode! Form a squad of up to three players using online matchmaking or by inviting friends to conquer dungeons and defeat fiery rebels together.
Watch the official trailer below!
For Netflix Subscribers Only
Dive into this magical world for free! The Dragon Prince: Xadia is available now on the Google Play Store – ad-free and with no in-app purchases.
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