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NieR: Automata's narrative unfolds across three distinct playthroughs. While the first two playthroughs share some common ground, the third playthrough reveals significant story elements not seen in earlier stages.
Although the game features three main playthroughs leading to multiple endings, some endings require playing as a specific character and completing certain actions. Here's a breakdown of the playable characters and how to switch between them.
All Playable Characters In NieR: Automata
The core of NieR: Automata's story centers around 2B, 9S, and A2. 2B and 9S are partners, commanding significant screen time depending on the playthrough. Each character possesses a unique fighting style, offering diverse gameplay experiences even with identical plug-in chips. All three are playable, but character switching isn't always immediate.
How To Switch Characters In NieR: Automata
Character selection isn't freely available during the initial playthrough. The character assignments are as follows:
- Playthrough 1: 2B
- Playthrough 2: 9S
- Playthrough 3: 2B/9S/A2 (switching is story-driven).
Completing a main ending unlocks Chapter Select mode, enabling character selection. Chapter Select allows revisiting any of the game's 17 chapters. Numbers displayed beside chapters indicate completed/incomplete side quests. If a character is associated with a chapter (indicated by numbers), you can replay that chapter as that character.
Note that some later chapters, particularly in playthrough 3, restrict character selection. While Chapter Select allows character changes, you're limited to sections where that character was playable in the main storyline. Saving before changing chapters ensures progress carries over, allowing you to level up all three characters' shared experience towards the maximum level.