Get ready, *Pokemon Scarlet & Violet* trainers! The final 7-Star Tera Raid featuring the Paldea starter, Quaquaval, is on the horizon. As with previous starter raids, overcoming Quaquaval will be no walk in the park. Let's dive into the best counters for this challenging 7-Star Quaquaval Tera Raid.
Quaquaval's Weaknesses & Resistances in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Before jumping into a 7-Star Raid, it's crucial to understand the opponent. Quaquaval, being a Water/Fighting type, has several vulnerabilities: Electric-, Grass-, Fairy-, Flying-, and Psychic-type attacks. During the raid, Quaquaval's Tera Type is Water, making Electric and Grass moves particularly potent against it.
For those who prefer to tread off the beaten path, neutral attacks can be used, but be aware that Quaquaval resists Water, Fire, Ice, Dark, Rock, Bug, and Steel types. Planning your strategy around these resistances and weaknesses will be key to success.
Quaquaval's Moveset in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Knowing Quaquaval's moveset is essential for crafting an effective counter-strategy. Here's what you can expect during the 7-Star Raid:
- Aqua Step (Water-type)
- Brave Bird (Flying-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Feather Dance (Flying-type)
- Ice Spinner (Ice-type)
- Mega Kick (Fighting-type)
Moves like Close Combat and Aqua Step are expected, but the inclusion of Flying-type moves like Brave Bird and Feather Dance can disrupt strategies focused on Grass-types. Ice Spinner, with its 100% accuracy and ability to remove terrain, poses a significant challenge, especially for Pokémon relying on terrain boosts. Additionally, Quaquaval's Moxie ability, which boosts its Attack after knocking out a Pokémon, can be a hurdle, particularly for solo players.
Best 7-Star Quaquaval Counters in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
To tackle Quaquaval, consider using Eelektross, Miraidon, or Serperior. These Pokémon have the right moves and attributes to deal substantial damage to the Water Tera-type Quaquaval. Let's look at the best builds for each:
Best Eelektross Build To Beat 7-Star Quaquaval
Eelektross is an excellent choice due to its resistance to Flying-type moves and Water-type attacks. Here's the optimal build:
- Ability: Levitate
- Nature: Modest
- Tera Type: Electric
- Held Item: Shell Bell
- EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Def, 4 HP
- Moveset: Acid Spray, Discharge, Gastro Acid, Sunny Day
Start with Discharge to potentially Paralyze Quaquaval, opening a window for your team to attack. Use Sunny Day to weaken Water-type moves, and Gastro Acid to neutralize Moxie.
Best Miraidon Build To Beat 7-Star Quaquaval
Miraidon is effective in team settings, especially for disabling Moxie. Here's the recommended build:
- Ability: Hadron Engine
- Nature: Modest
- Tera Type: Electric
- Held Item: Shell Bell
- EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Def, 4 HP
- Moveset: Electric Drive, Electric Terrain, Metal Sound, Calm Mind
After neutralizing Moxie, set up Electric Terrain and repeatedly use Electric Drive. Use Calm Mind and Metal Sound to manage the battle's flow.
Best Serperior Build To Beat 7-Star Quaquaval
Serperior, another starter, can dominate if Ice Spinner is managed. Here's the ideal build:
- Ability: Contrary
- Nature: Modest
- Tera Type: Grass
- Held Item: Light Clay
- EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Def, 4 HP
- Moveset: Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Reflect
Use Reflect to bolster defenses, and Light Clay to extend its duration. Neutralize Ice Spinner and Moxie with Gastro Acid, then unleash Leaf Storm and Giga Drain to overpower Quaquaval.
How To Participate in the 7-Star Quaquaval Tera Raid in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
To participate in 7-Star Raids, you must first complete the Academy Ace Tournament. This involves beating all eight Gyms again in the post-game, winning the tournament, and then engaging in 4 and 5-Star Raids until Jacq unlocks the 7-Star feature for you.
The Quaquaval Tera Raid event will run from March 14 at 7 PM EST to March 20 at 6:59 PM EST, giving you a week to challenge Quaquaval and claim your rewards.
These are the best counters for the 7-Star Quaquaval Tera Raid in *Pokemon Scarlet & Violet*. Prepare your team and take on this challenging raid!
*Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is available now on Nintendo Switch.*