Rachael Lillis, the celebrated voice actress behind iconic Pokémon characters Misty and Jessie, passed away at age 55 on August 10, 2024, after a courageous battle with breast cancer. Her sister, Laurie Orr, shared the sad news on their GoFundMe page, expressing gratitude for the overwhelming support from fans and friends.
The GoFundMe campaign, exceeding $100,000 in donations, will cover medical expenses, a memorial service, and support cancer research. Orr noted Lillis was deeply touched by the messages of support and cherished memories of fan interactions at conventions.
Fellow voice actors paid heartfelt tributes. Veronica Taylor (Ash Ketchum's voice) lauded Lillis' "extraordinary talent" and kindness, while Tara Sands (Bulbasaur's voice) shared that Lillis was now free from pain. Fans also expressed their grief and appreciation for her contributions to their childhoods, remembering her roles beyond Pokémon, including Utena in "Revolutionary Girl Utena" and Natalie in "Ape Escape 2."
Born in Niagara Falls, New York, Lillis honed her vocal skills through opera training. Her impressive voice acting career spanned numerous roles, including an astounding 423 Pokémon episodes (1997-2015), Jigglypuff in the Super Smash Bros. series, and the 2019 film "Detective Pikachu."
A memorial service is planned for a later date. Lillis' legacy as a talented and kind voice actress will be remembered fondly by fans worldwide.