After over a decade of absence, the beloved Suikoden series is poised for a triumphant return. The upcoming HD remaster of the first two games aims to reignite the franchise's popularity and pave the path for future installments.
Suikoden's HD Remaster: A New Generation Awaits
The Suikoden 1 & 2 HD Remaster is more than just a visual upgrade; it's a strategic move to reintroduce this classic JRPG to a new audience while rekindling the passion of longtime fans.
In a recent interview with Famitsu, Director Tatsuya Ogushi and Lead Planner Takahiro Sakiyama revealed their hopes for the remaster. They envision it as a springboard for future Suikoden titles. Ogushi, deeply connected to the series, expressed his respect for the late Yoshitaka Murayama, the series creator, stating, "I’m sure Murayama would have wanted to be involved." Sakiyama, director of Suikoden V, added, "I really wanted to bring ‘Genso Suikoden’ back to the world."
Enhanced Experience: A Modern Take on a Classic
Based on the 2006 Japan-exclusive PSP collection, the HD remaster significantly enhances the visuals. Konami promises stunning HD backgrounds, enriching the environments with detail. Expect vibrant locales, from Gregminster's majestic castles to the war-torn landscapes of Suikoden 2. While the sprites are polished, their original charm remains intact.
The remaster includes a Gallery showcasing music and cutscenes, and an Event Viewer for revisiting memorable moments – all accessible from the main menu.
Beyond visual improvements, the remaster addresses previous issues. The infamous, shortened Luca Blight cutscene from Suikoden 2's PSP release has been restored. Furthermore, some dialogue has been updated to reflect modern sensibilities; for instance, Richmond's smoking habit has been removed to align with Japan's smoking regulations.
Relaunch and Beyond
Launching March 6, 2025, on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, the Suikoden 1 & 2 HD Remaster is more than just a revival; it's a testament to the enduring legacy of the series and a hopeful step towards its continued evolution.