Despite Katsuhiro Harada, Tekken series director, having a long-held desire to include Colonel Sanders in the game (a dream he's harbored for years), it appears this crossover will not be happening. This is according to Harada himself, who revealed that both KFC and his own superiors have rejected the proposal.
Harada's Colonel Sanders Pitch Rejected
Harada's attempts to secure Colonel Sanders, the iconic KFC mascot, for a Tekken appearance have been unsuccessful. He previously expressed his desire on his YouTube channel and even contacted KFC's Japanese headquarters directly. The response, however, was less than enthusiastic, resulting in what Harada described as a negative reception. This effectively rules out a KFC crossover in Tekken 8, at least for the foreseeable future.
Game designer Michael Murray elaborated on the situation, stating that KFC was not receptive to the idea, possibly due to concerns about the portrayal of Colonel Sanders in a fighting game context. This highlights the complexities involved in securing such crossovers.
Harada's Vision and KFC's Hesitation
Harada has openly stated his belief that a Colonel Sanders character could be brilliantly implemented in Tekken, even outlining specific ideas with director Ikeda. However, KFC's marketing department apparently disagrees, believing that gamers would not be receptive to this unusual addition. Despite this setback, Harada extends an open invitation to KFC to reconsider.
Tekken's Track Record and Future Prospects
The Tekken franchise has successfully integrated several surprising guest characters, including Akuma (Street Fighter), Noctis (Final Fantasy), and Negan (The Walking Dead). While a Colonel Sanders appearance remains unlikely, Harada also explored the possibility of a Waffle House crossover, which also seems improbable. Despite these disappointments, fans can anticipate the return of Heihachi Mishima as the game's third DLC character.