Building a nation in *Victoria 3* is a complex and rewarding challenge, often requiring players to experiment and learn through trial and error. For those who want to bend the rules a bit, the game offers a variety of console commands and cheats that can give you a god-like control over your gameplay experience.
How to Use Console Commands in Victoria 3
To activate console commands in *Victoria 3*, follow these steps:
- Launch Steam and navigate to *Victoria 3* in your library.
- Right-click on the game title and select "Properties."
- Go to the "General" tab and find "Launch Options."
- Enter "-debug_mode" in the text box.
- Start the game and press the "~" key to open the debug menu.
All Console Commands
Once you've enabled debug mode, you can harness a range of console commands to manipulate the game to your advantage. From altering laws and annexing countries to speeding up battles and constructions, these commands can transform your gameplay experience.
Console Command | Description |
help | Lists all available console commands in *Victoria 3*. |
annex | Allows you to annex a specific country. |
annex_all | Enables annexation of all countries in the game. |
create_pop_history | Creates a dump file in debug.log with a complete population history. |
change_law | Alters laws within a specific country in *Victoria 3*. |
fastbattle | Toggles fast battle mode on or off. |
add_ideology | Adds an ideology to your chosen interest group. |
fastbuild | Toggles fast-build mode on or off. |
add_approval | Increases your approval rating with the selected group. |
add_clout | Increases your clout rating with the selected group. |
add_loyalists | Increases the number of loyalist population in your country. |
add_radicals | Increases the number of radical population in your country. |
add_relations | Increases relations with the selected country. |
yesmen | Makes everyone agree to your nation’s proposals. |
vsyncf | Toggles main swapchains vsync on or off. |
textureviewer | Allows you to view textures in *Victoria 3*. |
texturelist | Displays a list of textures in the game. |
skip_migration | Toggles migration skipping on or off. |
update_employment | Transfers employees between buildings. |
validate_employment | Prints out unemployment statistics in the selected state. |
create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id] | Allows you to create a new nation. |
popstat | Shows the total number of active population. |
enable_ai | Enables AI in your current game. |
disable_ai | Disables AI in your current game. |
Application.ChangeResolution | Changes your game’s current resolution. |
research (technology key) | Grants the selected technology to your country. |
set_devastation_level | Sets the devastation level of the selected area. |
wagerate | Changes the selected building’s wage. |
province borders | Toggles province borders of the selected areas on or off. |
Log.ClearAll | Clears all logs in your current save file. |
nosecession | Toggles the secessions cheat mode in *Victoria 3* on or off. |
norevolution | Prevents revolutions from occurring in your game. |
own (province id or state region tag) (country tag) | Changes the owner of the selected region. |
kill_character (name) | Kills the selected character. |
money (amount) | Adds more money to your treasury. |
ignore_government_support | Enables ignoring government support in *Victoria 3*. |
Observe | Toggles the observation mode on or off. |
changestatepop | Allows you to alter the population number of a certain group. |
skip_migration | Toggles the cheat mode skip_migration on or off. |
date ( | Changes the current date of your game. |
These are all the console commands you can utilize in *Victoria 3*. While I recommend experiencing the game's challenges without cheats on your first playthrough, there's no harm in using them if they enhance your enjoyment. Remember, *Victoria 3* is now available on PC.