Introducing the Official Onlíner (Belarus) Catalog App!
Enjoy convenient product browsing and purchasing directly from your mobile device with the official Onlíner Catalog app. This app boasts over 700 categories and 700,000+ products, each featuring detailed specifications, photos, customer reviews, and current pricing.
Key features include:
- Product comparison
- Shopping cart functionality
- Product and store reviews
- Buy and sell used goods!
All prices are displayed in Belarusian rubles. Please confirm delivery options with the seller for orders outside Belarus.
Your feedback is invaluable! Please rate and review the app to help us improve it.
What's New in Version 2.17.1 (Updated October 20, 2024)
This update introduces:
- Financing options: Purchase Belarusian-made products with a 4% Belagroprombank loan.
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