首页 新闻 在Fantasian中发现灰姑娘的魔法三角星


by Penelope Feb 02,2025

征服Fantasian Neo Dimension中的Cinderella Tri-Star:完整的指南 灰姑娘三星级是幻想曲新维度的标志性重复老板,在整个游戏广泛的故事情节中逐渐挑战了战斗。他们的战略能力和团队合作需要球员的细致计划和适应性。 胜利带来了宝贵的奖励,最终在最后一场比赛后最强大的盔甲之一达到了最终。本指南指出了每个三星级的位置。

Cinderella Tri-Stars Location Map

> Tri-Star的最初两个相遇是主要故事情节不可或缺的。随后的战斗需要探索人类领域:

Location Map Image Symbol Image How to Find
New District Adjacent to the Sacred Sand Tower (main storyline encounter).
Midi Toy Box - Secret Room Within the Midi Toy Box's hidden room; appears after opening a chest at the back (main storyline).
Royal Capital - Main Street After leaving the Outskirts, locate the symbol on the wall directly ahead.
Frozen Tundra - Center Before entering the Icy Channel, find the symbol on a north-facing wall near trees.
Hidden Valley – Duet Path From the save point, follow the left path to find the symbol on a wall.
Ancient Hill – River Before the Stone Pillar Path, locate the symbol on a rock (accessible after the second Golem defeat).
Nameless Island – Depths To the right of the save point, near a chest.
Shangri-La – Fallen City Atop the altar, next to the Shangri-La fast travel point.

