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by Connor Feb 10,2025

优化您的 Marvel竞争对手游戏玩法:最佳设置指南




Marvel Rivals Display Settings

优先考虑固体基础的显示设置。 建议使用全屏模式为认真的游戏玩家,将所有系统资源专门用于游戏,最大化FPS并最大程度地减少干扰。 无边界的窗口模式提供多任务便利性,但可能会稍微降低fps并引入输入滞后。

Setting Description Best Setting
Display Mode How the game is displayed. Fullscreen (performance) or Borderless Windowed (multitasking)
Resolution Game resolution. Monitor's Native Resolution
Aspect Ratio Game aspect ratio. Monitor's Native Aspect Ratio
Anti-aliasing & Super Resolution Anti-aliasing and resolution scaling technologies. Experiment to find optimal balance between visuals and performance.
Frame Generation Frame generation technique. Off (generally recommended)
Low Latency Mode Reduces input lag (Nvidia GPUs only). On + Boost (if available)
V-Sync Synchronizes frame rate with monitor refresh rate; may introduce input lag. Off
Limit FPS Caps maximum frame rate. Monitor's refresh rate
Show FPS Displays FPS on-screen. On
Network Stats Displays network statistics. On


Marvel Rivals Graphics Settings

图形设置在很大程度上影响性能。优先考虑竞争性比赛的性能优先于视觉忠诚度,以更顺畅,反应迅速的游戏玩法。 高端PC可以尝试中等或高设置。

Setting Description Best Setting
Graphics Quality Preset adjusting multiple visual settings. Custom (Low settings)
Global Illumination Simulates light bouncing; impacts performance. SSGI – Low Quality
Reflection Quality Clarity and realism of reflections. Screen Space Reflections
Model Detail Complexity and realism of models. Low
Post-Processing Visual effects (motion blur, depth of field). Low
Shadow Detail Sharpness and quality of shadows. High
Texture Detail Resolution of in-game textures. Low
Effects Detail Quality of visual effects (explosions, animations). Low
Foliage Quality Density and detail of environmental elements. Low



Marvel Rivals Audio Settings

音频会显着影响游戏玩法。启用 3D增强以增强空间声音以查明敌人的动作。 使用 HRTF (如果有),以进一步的音频提示精度。将音量水平调整为您的偏好。

该综合指南可帮助您优化 Marvel竞争对手设置,以获得高峰性能和增强的游戏体验。请记住,根据您的硬件进行实验并找到视觉质量和性能之间的完美平衡。