Traffic Services in the Republic of Yemen
Enhance your driving experience with our comprehensive traffic services designed to simplify your interactions with traffic-related matters in Yemen. Our platform offers a range of services tailored to meet your needs:
- Inquiry and Payment Service for Traffic Violations: Easily check and settle any traffic fines with our user-friendly interface.
- Vehicle Data Management: Add and manage your vehicle details effortlessly, keeping all your information up-to-date.
- Traffic Laws Information: Access the latest traffic laws in the Republic of Yemen to stay informed and compliant.
What's New in Version 2.1.3
Last updated on Oct 18, 2024
We are excited to introduce new features in our latest update:
- License Renewal Service: Now you can apply for the renewal of your driving or operational licenses directly through our app.
- Delivery Option for License Renewal: When renewing your license, you can opt for delivery through Yemen Post offices spread across all governorates. Simply select the branch where you would like to pick up your new license.
These updates are designed to make managing your traffic-related tasks more convenient and accessible.
Tags : Auto & Vehicles