首頁 新聞 閥釋放團隊堡壘2代碼,激動


by Henry Mar 27,2025

Valve剛剛發布了對源SDK的重大更新,該更新現在包括完整的Team Fortress 2客戶端和服務器遊戲代碼。這種開創性的更新使玩家可以從源代碼創建全新的遊戲。與通過Steam Workshop或本地內容Mod進行修改不同,此更新為修改器提供了更改,擴展甚至完全改寫團隊Fortress 2的自由,幾乎可以通過任何方式想像。


Valve emphasized the importance of respecting the TF2 community's contributions, stating, "Players have a lot of investment in their TF2 inventories, and Steam Workshop contributors have created a lot of that content. The majority of items in the game now are thanks to the hard work of the TF2 community. To respect that, we're asking TF2 mod makers continue to respect that connection, and to not make mods that have the purpose of trying to profit off Workshop contributors' efforts.我們希望,如果Mod對Mod有意義,那麼許多Mod將繼續允許玩家訪問其TF2庫存。”

除了SDK更新外,Valve還宣布了對其所有多人背部錄音源引擎標題的全面更新。此更新包括64位二進制支持,可擴展的HUD/UI,預測修復以及許多其他增強功能,不僅使Team Fortress 2受益,而且使失敗的一天受益:Source,Half-Life 2:Death-Match,Death-Match,Death-Match,Counter-Strike:Source和Half Life:Death-Life:Deage-Match Match Match:Source:Source。

經過7年的等待,這一消息是在12月對Team Fortress 2漫畫系列的第七次也是最後一次更新的緊隨其後。這些漫畫對粉絲來說是一個寶貴的資源,為角色和故事提供了新的見解,它們強調了Valve對最受人喜愛的特許經營之一的持續承諾。